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PHIAS – which stands for ‘Peter Hemelaer International Agency Services’ – is a young commercial agency in heart and mind, and although we have over 30 years of experience, we’re still learning every day.
PHIAS was founded in 2005 in Madrid (Spain) with the goal to provide commercial services – mainly Marketing & Sales – to companies that want to establish or expand business in Europe.

At the beginning of 2012 we moved the company to Trujillo, near Cáceres (Extremadura – Spain), which is a 2,5 hour drive from Madrid by highway.

We operate from the pristine region that is Extremadura, close the National Park of Monfragüe which is an excellent and renowned site for birdwatchers from all over the world.

What are you looking for?

PHIAS can provide you with a customized range of marketing and sales services allowing you to quickly and ‘easily’ establish your product or service in the market.  We’re concentrating on Europe but have experience in other geographic areas through partnerships from the US.

You can ‘take the temperature’ of a region or specific market, ask for a market research in order to define key customers and distribution partners, get tradeshow support, get your product promoted with personal presence to key prospects or help you with other specific ‘spot’ support. And that’s of course not the end of the list.

And, surely that all this goes under your own company name or brand, and we operate for you in the background. Extremely customer minded (it’s not the company that pays the salary, it’s the customer) and solution driven, PHIAS will always strive to find the best option for the parties involved.

Any questions?

A tip of our offering

30 Years of Experience throughout various countries and with various cultures. With business having become an intensively global matter, business people have been forced to adapt and work together with people from various regions and various cultures. Markets and customers that once were exclusive to you, suddenly have opened to other providers and competitors. To maintain your business or to keep growing, new markets with another mentality and habits are needed to be looked upon. Entering new markets can be tricky if you’re not acquainted with language and local habits.

Peter Hemelaer, owner of PHIAS, has been living and working in international environments since his youth.  At school already, classmates came from all over the world which laid the foundation for openness to and acceptance of other people and cultures.

Peter comments : “During my education years and later in business, foreign languages and contact with other cultures have formed an important part of my life. Being Flemish, at an early stage in your life you’re already confronted with a country that has 3 official languages; Flemish (Dutch), French and German.  I have worked for a number of companies that had one thing in common : all operated internationally.  Some of them being European companies with global links, others coming from overseas – mainly the USA – doing business in Europe.
It’s crucial to be able to put yourself in the shoes of your counterpart in order to understand clearly what exactly is said and needed”. At PHIAS we speak 5 different languages English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch/Flemish, of which most of them are used throughout wide areas all over the globe.

Contact us!

Calle Tintoreros 7B-1º
E-10200 Trujillo (Cáceres-Spain)

Phone: +34 927 320 556


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It’ll be a pleasure to hear from you

Warm Regards,
Peter Hemelaer

12 + 15 =

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